Friday, May 1, 2020

Safe and Dangerous Trees

Dangerous trees to oparrots

A parrot's body is much different than a human's. Just because you can eat something and enjoy it, doesn’t mean your parrot will do the same. Every year, there are countless stories of parrots suddenly taking ill, or worst, dying. Many of these stories are the results of toxic fumes, holiday dinners, and toys made by unknowledgeable or uncaring companies. In this series, you will find lists of Metals, Woods, Food, and other items to avoid.
Part 1: Metal
Part 2: Wood / Trees
Part 3: Food
Part 4: Other Items

Warning to Bird Owners

Please keep in mind, all parrots are unique, because an item is listed as “safe,” it may have a different effect on your parrot. Some parrots, like humans, have allergies or may be more prone to misusing a toy. If you have any questions about your parrot’s safety, please consult your Avian Veterinarian.

Dangerous Wood

There is some disagreement over whether cherry, oak, and eucalyptus are toxic. However, the wood should be safe but avoid the leaves and seeds and in the case of oak and cherry the bark as well.  (Safety on Cherry is questionable)

List of Dangerous Wood


Gillian Willis on her website says "They contain cyanogenic glycosides which release cyanide if ingested.

Black Locust

Has been cited as causing some toxic reactions with birds, though members of this species are also known as the Acacia, which is listed as safe.

Black Walnut

Box Elder Wood

Cedar *

Occasionally appears on safe lists.  If Cedar is to be used, Red cedar should be avoided because it contains high levels of volatile oils that are known toxins.  Further exposure is believed to suppress the immune system. Do not give the birds red cedar.  The oils the wood contains are toxic.  But the biggest problem is if they get a splinter, redwood tends to block the immune response and they become infected quite easily.  Yellow and Sitka Cedar may be safe though.


Gillian Willis on her website says "They contain cyanogenic glycosides which release cyanide if ingested. this one is really controversial.  there are confirmed cases of dogs and of horses having fatal reactions to eating cherry wood.  However, I have been unable to find any confirmed report of bird fatalities.  Regardless the sap is what contains the toxic elements (see Gillians Help pages) and that is contained primarily in the Cambium, a layer of material just below the bark.  If cherry is to be used it should be dry, debarked and any traces of sap removed.  Under no circumstances should fresh cherry, the foliage or bark be given to birds.


Chinese Magnolia

The wood, foliage, and flowers all appear to be safe, but I have been unable to confirm this. According to CSUF biologists and agronomists, they could see no reason to consider it dangerous (it is not a known toxic plant) but know of no reason to consider it completely safe either.

Chinese Popcorn

Chinese Snake Tree

A VERY TOXIC plant and even contact with the sap (through the skin) can present the risk of fatality to small animals and children. Occasionally appears in gardens as an exotic ornamental. It is sometimes called the Lacquer plant because it was the source of lacquer.

Chinese Tallow

see Chinese Popcorn

Coffee Wood

see Java

Cork Oak

It's a safe wood to leave the bark on.  Cork oak has very low levels of tannin (far lower than other oaks) and the bark is just what the name says 'Cork" Cork Oak is originally from southern Europe and is the source of all-natural cork.  The bark is very thick and well, cork-like.  It can be found wherever there are old wine-growing areas as it was grown to provide corks for the bottles.  It is also found scattered around the southeastern US and California.  Because of its very low tannin content, it is safe for use in food storage (the cork in the wine bottle, oil bottles, etc.)  There is a similar species found native to North America, the Prairie Oak a variety of live oak is found throughout the great plains and east to Ohio.  It has a very thick cork-like bark, however, I do not know what the safety factor for this species would be.


While it appears on many toxic lists I have never been able to find a good reason for it being there. The level of phenols (the toxic elements in eucalyptus) is lower than in many pine species that are considered perfectly safe.  While you might want to avoid the foliage there doesn't appear to be any reason to do so. Considering that many lorikeet and cockatoo species eat the flowers and new leaves in the wild and that it is the dominant native wood for Australia concern over its toxicity seems exaggerated.


See Hemlock


The wood that is sold in lumber yards (sometimes called Hem-Fir) is safe but the foliage is toxic. No other species of hemlock should be considered safe.

Java / Coffee Wood*

Golden Cockatoo warns that Jave aka Coffee Wood is slippery, don't use for resting perch or perch near water.

Lacquer plant

See Chinese Snake Tree


appears on most toxic lists.  Most Laurel species are toxic but the Mediterranean Laurel is safe. Distinguishing the species can be difficult though and unless the species is known absolutely it should be avoided.

London Tree

is in the sycamore family, and is currently under research.


Golden Cockatoo warns that Manzanita is slippery, don't use for resting perch or perch near water.


Gillian Willis on her website says "They contain cyanogenic glycosides which release cyanide if ingested.


Oak appears on a number of toxic lists, primarily because of the tannin in the leaves and acorns. The wood contains a small amount of tannin in most species and since parrots chew everything, we advise against using oak around parrots. Though there is some controversy about Oak it appears that the wood should be safe.  the bark leaves and especially the acorns have much higher levels of tannins and should be avoided.  While many bird species including many parrots regularly feed on nuts and vegetation that have levels of tannin much higher than oaks, it is unclear how their bodies deal with the substance and it is therefore probably advisable to avoid high doses.


Gillian Willis on her website says "They contain cyanogenic glycosides which release cyanide if ingested.

Pitch Pine

To be avoided.  It was the source material for turpentine and has VERY high levels of phenols.  Contact with the wood can cause rashes and the fumes from burning it has been known to cause lung and eye disorders.


Gillian Willis on her website says "They contain cyanogenic glycosides which release cyanide if ingested.


Gillian Willis on her website says "They contain cyanogenic glycosides which release cyanide if ingested.

Prunus Species

Gillian Willis on her website says "They contain cyanogenic glycosides which release cyanide if ingested.


Redwood has long been associated with rashes and dust with lung and eye disorders.  It contains high levels of volatile oils that are known toxins.  Further exposure is believed to suppress the immune system. Do not give the birds redwood.  The oils the wood contains are toxic.  But the biggest problem is if they get a splinter, redwood tends to block the immune response and they become infected quite easily.


see Redwood


aka Rhus/Toxicodendron

Tan Oak

Should be avoided because of the VERY high tannin content

Safe Wood

Below is a list of wood found to be safe. As always, consult your avian vet if you have any questions. wood with a (*) may also appear on the dangerous list. Please read the warning. 











Black Walnut (see Walnut)

Bois d'arc

Bottle Brush


Coffee Wood*

See Java






Eucalyptus *

Leaves and seeds may be toxic.

Fig Species


Fruitless Mulberry


Goat Willow (see willow)

Grape Palm

Grape Vines







Horse Apple


Java *

may be slippery AKA coffee wood






Manzanita *


Mediterranean Laurel

Mesquite *

remove thorns



Norfolk Island Pine

Nut *

Chestnut and Oak is NOT safe







Pussy Willow (see willow)





Sweet Gum



Tree fern

Umbrella tree

Vine Maple

Walnut *

Black Walnut may be dangerous

Weeping Willow (see willow)


Coffee Wood (see Java) *

Java *

Metals that are dangerous to parrots
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The Parrot Mom is working on making a list of all dangerous and safe materials. You will be able to sort the list and click on the item to learn more about it. Check The Parrot Mom website to see if it is available. or join our mailing list to get a notification.
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Golden Cockatoo. (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved 2015 2015
Woods. (n.d.). Retrieved 2015, from Bird Safe:

The Best Parrot Play Stand

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