Thursday, May 14, 2020

Feather Plucking Part 2: Help! My Parrot is Plucking Its Feathers. What Should I Do?

Important Note: 

If your parrot has started plucking and you’re reading this to find out what to do, this is the perfect post for you. But before you read it, GRAB YOUR PHONE AND CALL YOUR AVIAN VET!

This is Part 2 of a 5 part mini-series about feather plucking in parrots. Be sure to subscribe so you won't miss this really important series.
Part 1: Feather Plucking or Molting?

collar for feather plucking parrot

Emergency Fixes

Nobody wants to watch their parrot pluck out its beautiful feather, and no parrot should have to go through the pain of feather destructive behavior or self-mutilation, but this is a common problem among parrots raised in captivity.
In the post I will explain some ideas of Physical Barriers you can use to keep your parrot from Plucking its feathers more that in already has. Then I will explain some ideas to use foraging as a destruction, then lastly I will include some ways you can help your parrot recover from its plucking, heal their skin, and ultimately regain its feathers.

Physical Barriers: Collars & Feather Protectors

Important Note

Please note that ideas listed in this post will NOT RESOLVE the underlying problem, they will only stop your pet bird from being able to pull its feathers or chewing on its skin. The ideas below should only be implemented until your vet is able to find an underlying condition. If your vet believes the feather plucking to be behavioral, these ideas may be recommended to break the bad habit.
Physical barriers can be used in emergency situations to keep your parrot from doing further damage to their feathers. Please talk with your vet about the fit and safety of these options. 

DIY Pipe Insulation Collar

Parrot owners have successfully used soft pipe insulation tubes as a collar. It can be purchased at most hardware stores. It is more comfortable than the Elizabethan collars (see below for a description of the Elizabethan collar). Pipe insulation tubes come in different diameters, so you can pick one that will be close enough to your parrot's neck to keep your parrot from reaching down to pull feathers out. You only need a short piece - to fit around the neck. The insulation tubes are already slit to fit over a pipe so there is no cutting, taping, stapling, or anything. Just stretch it apart and put around the bird's neck and you are done. It works great, there is no loss of balance; parrot can easily move around [1].

DIY Fleece Collar
Soft e-collar for feather plucker

Kiwi, The Skateboarding Parrot loves his fleece collar. It has become known as his feather plucking poncho. Simply cut out a circle of fleece fabric then put a slit in the middle for the head. Then slide it over your parrot's head. Watch our blog for more detailed instructions to make a soft collar.

Avian Elizabethan Collars

The formal name for this collar is the “Elizabethan Collar” or “E-Collar” for short. However you may also hear it dubbed, “the lampshade,” or my personal favorite, “The Cone of Shame.” I love the e-collar made by Saf-T-Shield.  It has 6 snaps and a cushion around the neck. You can order an e-collar through your vet or buy it here on Amazon.

Tube collar for feather pluckerTube Collar & Soft Neck Collars

Remember in Part 1 of this series when I described different types of Feather Destructive Behavior and mutilation? Well, the tube collars and soft neck collars are for serious cases, such as the mutilators. People have reported success in stopping a bird from over preening or plucking its feathers by using a tube collar [1]. You can order them from

Bead Collar

This is a great option for severe cases. It's relatively small and designed to not obstruct your parrot while in the cage. Click here to read more about the bead collar or to order yours.

Bubble Collars

Another option is a Bubble Collar. Your vet needs to order this collar. They are relatively inexpensive. If your avian vet does not carry the bubble collar, they can probably refer you to another vet who does [1].

FeatherProtectors from Avian Fashions

Avian shirt with extra padding to protect from feather plucking.
Avian Fashions has worked extensively to create a complete line of products to help our feathered friends who pick or pluck - ranging from Mild FeatherProtectors for new pickers or smaller birds to our Deluxe High Neck FeatherProtector for larger birds that may pluck, chew or mutilate.
FeatherProtectors are Veterinarian recommended, all of their designs have been developed with your bird’s needs as their top priority. Each case is unique, therefore, they offer a number of customization options [2].
See more at:
Shop for other Avian Fashion products for feather plucking in their Etsy store.

DIY Sports-Sock

Cut the foot off the sock, until you have a tube long enough to cover the chest of the bird. Then cut two slits on the sides for the wings [1]. CLICK HERE to order.

Other Parrot Collars

Other avian collars are available online, most are fleece or leather. Make sure it fits correctly and ask your vet for their opinion.

Mandible Notching

NOTE: This would probably be my last choice. I included it because some parrots have found it successful. I believe anything non-invasive is better, however, I also know that there are many different situations so, for someone this might be helpful. Even if your vet recommends this, I would encourage you to have a 2nd avian vet's opinion before going through with the procedure.
Mandible notching is a simple procedure that your avian vet can perform. A vet will put a little notch in the lower beak (mandible), which makes it difficult for the bird to grasp a feather, and yet doesn't impede eating. The beak will eventually grow back. The rule of thumb is that the deeper the notch the longer it works. This will only treat the symptom - and the cause of feather plucking still needs to be investigated, but this procedure will prevent permanent damage to the feather follicles and prevent further feather loss [1].

Foraging as a Distraction

Parrots have an instinct to search or forage for their food. Often you can create foraging situations for your parrot in their cage or play stand. Foraging can fill a parrot impulse to pluck even if it's not boredom related. Offering extra “destroyable” items may help your parrot until the actual problem is determined and treated. Below are a few ideas you can implement right away.
NOTE: Shreddable toys, such as the mop head and newsprint, should not be used longterm as these shreddable toys can encourage nesting behavior and result in hormone issues. If you would like more information on hormone issues please comment and let us know what questions you have.

Foraging Station

Create a foraging station by using your parrot play stand. Hide foods, healthy snacks, and your parrots favorite toys around the play stand.
The Xerch Perch Parrot Play Stand can easily transform into a foraging station. You can hang foraging toys on each of the limbs, called xerches, and you can even add as many food and water crocks as you want. You can also move the limbs to create a challenging obstacle course or add more xerches for an easy confidence-boosting environment.

Mop Head

For less than $5 you can get this cut-end cotton mop head on Amazon. Just hang on top of your parrot's cage or from a limb on your parrot's Xerch Perch play stand. Be sure to only purchase "cut end" mop heads (#24 "Cut End Mop" from Rubbermaid) to minimize the risk of your parrot's feet getting caught or tangled [1].

DIY Newsprint Pretzels

Take 1 large piece of newsprint, roll and twist it tight to simulate a thick rope, then tie into a knot. Make 2 or 3 of these every night and shove part of it through the cage bars. Hopefully you will see the shredded paper in the cage instead of feathers [1]. CLICK HERE to order.

Natural Treatments That Work

Bee Pollen

Talk with your vet about how much to give your parrot. Using bee pollen will be most beneficial if your parrot is suffering from allergies. Often parrots with allergies will get dry itchy skin and in an effort to get relief they pluck their feathers. CLICK HERE to order.

Aloe Mist

NOTE: There is some controversy over the safety of using aloe around parrots. Please seek your avian vet's opinion. Read below about Avian Rain for an alternative to using aloe juice.
Mix Aloe Vera Juice (not Gel) with Water - 50 / 50. Mist your bird daily with this solution. You can get Aloe Vera Juice at most larger pharmacy or natural health store. Some plucking may be caused by dry skin -- and if this is the case with your bird, this will help. It also reduces dander - which is helpful for people with allergies. Note: It is very important that the Aloe Juice be kept refrigerated. It does go bad and then causes more damage than it is helpful. Freshness and sanitation is very important [1]. CLICK HERE to order.

Avian Rain

This product has the “harmful parts” of the aloe removed. It has an ammonium compound and no preservatives [3]. You can probably buy Avain Rain directly from your vet or click here to order online.

Palm Oil

With African Greys specifically, but not exclusively so, adding Palm Oil to its diet can greatly improve its feather condition. The Palm Oil greatly decreases the desire to pluck or chew, allows feathers to grow in, and those feathers are strong and glossy.
For a large parrot such as an African Grey, mix 1/4 teaspoon of the oil in with its food pallets twice a day. For smaller parrots such as cockatiel, give about 8 drops twice a week [2].
Palm Oil is available at most local natural food store or you can get it here.

Stress Control

The following products and ideas may work great for parrots suffering from stress or anxiety. The cause of the stress or plucking may still need to be addressed, especially since there may be physical causes. Therefore, please also go over the information in Part 4 to assess the cause of the plucking [1].

Pluck No More

Pluck No More has shown effectiveness against stress-related plucking. This natural herbal mixture relieves stress and anxiety in most pets, including parrots. This product also helps with aggressive behaviors. One customer review states that this "product truly is a miracle worker!" To give it to your parrot, simply add it to your parrot's drinking water. The package also indicates "Advanced Homeopathic Formulation with NO Side Effects 100% Safe Natural" [1]. Click here to order Pluck No More.
Note: A vet recommended to NOT feed ANY FRESH FOOD while your pet is on either Pluck No More or the 9-1-1 Stress Control formula (mentioned below). He recommends feeding cooked foods, pellets and seeds only. According to him, the fresh food interacts with the natural formula and makes it a futile effort [2]

9-1-1 Stress Control

An alternative product to the Pluck No More is "'9-1-1 Stress Control" by King Bio. This product is available at health food stores in the Homeopathic section. It has very similar ingredients to Pluck-no-more and costs between $16 to $20 for a 2 oz. bottle. It only takes a couple of sprays directly onto the bird's food, or a drop or two in the water. It can be used on birds and reptiles, as well as mammals, such as cats, dogs, and horses; as well as stressed-out humans. Many swear by its effectiveness [1]. Note: A vet recommended to NOT feed ANY FRESH FOOD while your pet is on either Pluck No More or the 9-1-1 Stress Control. He recommends feeding cooked foods, pellets, and seeds only. According to him, the fresh food interacts with the natural formula and makes it a futile effort [2]. Click here to order King Bio's 9-1-1 Stress Control.

Bach's Remedy

Owners report varying degrees of improvement after the use of Bach's Remedy's Rescue Remedy, Mustard Flower Remedy, and Cerato Flower Remedy. Some mix different remedies together - although it is generally not advisable to mix more than five at a time (Feather Plucking). Below are a description of each and a link to order them on Amazon.

Rescue Remedy is a flower essence remedy that has been recommended for people and pets because of its calming properties. It provides unconditional support during demanding/stressful times [1]. Click here to order.

Mustard Flower Remedy is another one that is recommended for plucking. This remedy relieves depression that sets in for no apparent reason [1]. Click here to order.

Cerato Flower Remedy is used for parrots who are lonely or hormonal (watch for a future post on the subject of hormonal parrots), and develop severe behavioral problems because of that. This remedy has shown effectiveness in cases where a parrot plucks as a result of sexual frustration [1]. CLICK HERE to order.

Recovery Treatment

According to a vet, the problem with a long time plucker (barring no follicle damage, of course) is that it begins to itch and hurt when a new feather breaks through the skin, as the skin is dry. In turn, the itchy dry skin will likely encourage further feather destruction in your parrot. It is very important to condition your parrot's skin. You might want to monitor the humidity in your parrot's area, then supplement with moisture; increasing the amount and frequency of baths, with the addition of aloe afterward usually helps a great deal [1]. You must talk with your vet about recovery treatment.

Aloe Spray

Aloe Sprays are usually somewhat expensive and can easily be made at a fraction of the cost. Simply take 1 part of 100% aloe gel and mix it in a sprayer with 3 parts of water. Shake it up and it's ready for use [1]. CLICK HERE to order organic aloe vera gel.
As mentioned above, you should talk with your avian vet before using aloe around your parrot.


Consider asking your vet's opinion about the use of Clomipramine. Clomipramin is an anti-depressant that is used to treated anxiety disorders including OCD [4]. In an initial study by Grindlinger and Ramsay, 10 severely afflicted birds were treated with dosages of Clomipramine ranging from 0.75 to 3.0 mg/kg here are their findings:
  • Refeathering occurred in areas where the skin and follicles had not atrophied to the point of incapacity to produce refeathering
  • 20% of the birds were capable of refeathering
  • 50% picked their feathers significantly less, to the point that areas of excoriation or inflammation healed
  • 40% of the birds gained 10% of their body weight
  • Birds were more active and more sociable, but not sedated and not affected by anticholinergic (antihistamine like) side effects, according to 60% of the bird owners.
The findings of this study may have been more positive had less severely affected birds been used in their sample population. A significant reduction in picking occurred in 50% of the birds treated [1]!

Additional Products

Avitech AviCalm Calming Supplement

Avitech's AviCalm (Avian Calm) Calming Supplement aids in stress reduction. CLICK HERE to order.


Featheriffic stimulates growth and good feather quality. CLICK HERE to order.

MissingLink Avian Formula

MissingLink Avian Formula restores essential nutrients to the parrot's diet. CLICK HERE to order.


[1] Feather Plucking. (n.d.). Retrieved 2015, from Beauty of Birds:
[2] Avian Fashions. (n.d.). Flight Quarters. Retrieved 2015, from Feather Protectors:
[3] Hardy, DVM. (2015). Phone Conversation. (T. Jones, Interviewer) Nixa, MO, USA.
[4] Wikipedia Contributors. (2020, April 15). Clomipramine. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

Xerch Perch Parrot Play Stand

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't there be a chance of the bird digesting parts of the mop and becoming impacted? I have seen cases of this on other websites especially with smaller birds like Conures ect.
