Thursday, June 18, 2020

Secret to Success 1 of 3: Rewarding Your Parrot for Positive Approximations

Introduction To Rewarding Your Parrot for Positive Approximations

Rewarding Your Parrot for Positive ApproximationsTraining is an essential part of a parrot's wellbeing. When you begin training your parrot you may not know where to start. In this article is the absolute most important concept in training your parrot. This is the first secret to success that I will be sharing with you. My parrot, Kiwi, The Skateboarding Parrot has become nationally recognized for his skateboarding tricks, talking, and dance moves. While I tried different approaches, the keys in this article have proven most successful.

NOTE: Throughout this blog, you may find products with links. I am not trying to sell these products or get a big commission from you buying them. I am only including the link to help you easily find the products I find beneficial.

1. Rewards and Positive Reinforcement That Your Parrot Will Love

What is a Reinforcement for a Parrot?

Wikipedia defines reinforcement this way "In behavioral psychology, reinforcement is a consequence applied that will strengthen an organism's future behavior whenever that behavior is preceded by a specific antecedent stimulus." This definition, though a little wordy is spot on. Basically, a reinforcement is a consequence or reaction to something your parrot does. You may not have realized it but your parrot already has learned this. Every time your parrot swings it's toy, the bell at the bottom rings. Your Parrot knows that as a consequence of playing with that toy, your parrot gets to hear the annoyingly loud bell ring, this gives your parrot pleasure (whether it's your agitated reaction or it's the actual sound of the bell).
Reinforcements can be negative or positive. We are only going to talk about positive reinforcement. You will have much more success and a healthier bond with your parrot if you only use positive reinforcements when training.

The Best Types of Positive Reinforcements for Parrots.

Now let's take that same concept as the toy with the bell but in the application of training. Let's say you are teaching your parrot to turn in a circle. When your parrot turns around on cue, you want to reinforce good behavior so your parrot will repeat the action. What is the best way to positively reinforce good behavior? With a reward!

Rewarding Approximations in Parrot Training Verbal

Say "Good bird" or another affirmative response as soon as your parrot performs a command.


Give your parrot it's favorite treat in response to its good behavior. Did you read the previous article on treats? If not, click here to see why I recommend these: Gerbs Banana Chips Unsweetened, 2 LBS – Unsulfured & Preservative Free


If your parrot enjoys cuddles, give your parrot a little head scratch to let it know it did a good job.

2. Approximations Training for Parrots

Approximations in Parrot TrainingBarbara Heidenreich is foremost my favorite expert on Approximation Training. To learn the full concept of approximation training you need to watch her video: Parrot Behavior and Training DVD: An Introduction to Training, vol 1 - Barbara Heidenreich

What is Approximation Training?

An approximation is a small step or movement toward the desired trick. When you first tell your parrot to "turn around" it won't know what that means and probably won't make a full turn. But it might make an approximation. Move your finger in the direction you want it to go if your parrot turns it's head in the correct direction, THAT'S AN APPROXIMATION!

Why are Approximations Important for My Parrot?

Just like all creatures, your parrot needs time to learn a new trick. If you expect your parrot to complete the trick the first time, both you and your parrot will become discouraged very quickly. You want your training sessions to be short and positive. Always end on a positive, even if it is a small approximation.

3. Rewarding Your Parrot for Approximations

Now it's time to discuss how the positive reinforcement and approximations work together. Every time your parrot makes an approximation, reward with your parrot's favorite treat or whatever positive reinforcement you prefer. Remember our example to "Turn Around"? After your parrot turns it's head, you can say "good bird" and give it a treat. Now you did it! You used a positive reinforcement to reward an approximation!

Conclusion of Rewarding Your Parrot for Positive Approximations

Do you want to teach your parrot to turn around or do another trick? Keep reading my next posts to learn more about teaching this trick. Write a comment letting me know you want to me to make a video of Kiwi learning "Turn Around" or another trick.


Wikipedia Contributors. (2020, May 29). Reinforcement. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

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